A little act of kindness is all we need to give hope to others who might feel the need to give up. It is with God's grace that the Pinorich Foundation was lead to help a young lady, who's three year old daughter was raped and shattered.
The information reached us on the 9th of May 2019. A 3 years old child of a teenage mother was raped by a 33 years old man.

The members of the Pinorich Foundation went out to the public to raise fund to support the child's mother with all her medical expenses.
Due to the urgency of the situation, the funds were raised in 2 days. On the 13th of May 2019, 3 Ambassadors of the Pinorich Foundation represented the entire team at the General Hospital Yaounde. With a token, you can call it the widow's myth. A sum of 500, 000 frs that was raised was deposited into the hospital's account, strictly for medication, operation, and any other miscellaneous that might be needed to care for the baby till her hospital days are over. It might not have been the most generous offer, but it was worth the heat.

You must not be super rich to ompacy a life or soul. Your little offerings were not taken for granted. God knows your hearts and shall replenish your wealths accordingly. We say thank you to all who took out time, energy, financ etc to support our movement. With the pics below, you'd see for yourselves where your monies went.
